The evolution of western pop music
The evolution of western pop music 西方流行樂壇過去50年的發展
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How many pop music revolutions have there been?
研究人員在對2010年前五十年的流行樂的發展進行了一番分析后發現了流行樂的三次進化發展過程。這支由倫敦大學瑪麗皇后學院和倫敦帝國理工學院人員組成的研究隊伍共對曾經登上美國排行榜的一萬七千首歌曲進行了分析并追溯了 Blues 藍調的衰落、Disco 迪斯科的起源和 Hip Hop 嬉哈的誕生。以下是 Rebecca Morelle 的報道。
The researchers say the first pop revolution happened in 1964, with British fans from The Beatles to The Who bringing a radical change of sound.
They came to this conclusion after analysing the harmonies, chords and tones of songs that appeared in the US charts between 1960 and 2000.
New technology, synth-samplers and drum machines, drove a second major style-shift in 1983, while the third started in the early 90s when hip-hop and rap went mainstream.
The researchers found that music continues to evolve and change, apart from in the 1980s when the dominance of arena rock kept everything sounding the same.
Glossary 詞匯表 (點擊單詞收聽發音)
- revolution發展,進化
- radical徹底的,根本的
- harmonies(復數)和聲
- synth-samplers(復數)合成器采樣器
- style-shift風格的轉變
- mainstream主流
- evolve演變, 發展
- dominance絕對統治(地位)
- arena rock舞臺搖滾

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