Global climate event 全球氣候動態
Artificial intelligence versus humans 人工智能與人類較量
Being disabled in Rio 里約熱內盧殘疾舞蹈演員
Planet Earth – the most complex thing in the universe. Warmed and cooled by natural trends, heated by greenhouse gases from humans. Scientists are striving to work it all out. In the Pacific for instance, the warming El Nino current is likely to bring floods where there is normally drought and drought where there's normally rain. Corals were bleached by the last big El Nino in 1998. The new El Nino will heat the world; so will a separate climate event in the Pacific. But these will be offset somewhat by a cooling event in the Atlantic. Three big shifts at once.
You're watching what doctors describe as one of the most revolutionary advances in the history of surgery. Here at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London consultant surgeon Declan Cahill seems to sit within the robot – a blend of man and machine. He remains, though, very much in control. It's a tool just like his scalpel or forceps, albeit far more sophisticated.
你正在看到的畫面被醫生們描述為手術史上“最具革命性的進步”。在倫敦皇家馬斯登醫院,外科顧問醫生戴克瀾·卡希爾(Declan Cahill)坐在機器人身體里 – 人機合二為一。盡管如此,手術還是完全由卡希爾醫生來掌控。這臺機器雖然看起來無比精密,但它其實就是一個像手術刀或手術鉗的工具用來協助醫生完成手術。
These are embaixadores da alegria – or happy ambassadors – made up of dancers of all disabilities. They're rehearsing for the 'Paralympics – one year to go' celebrations. Every year they perform at the Rio Carnival. But it wasn't until 2013 that they were allowed to parade with everyone else.
他們是“embaixadores da alegria”或被稱為“歡樂大使”,是由殘疾舞蹈演員組成的。他們在為“殘奧會 –一年倒計時演出”慶祝活動彩排。這組舞蹈演員現在每年都會在里約熱內盧狂歡節上表演,不過他們也是到2013才被獲準加入狂歡節慶祝隊伍的。
revolutionary advances
striving / offset / revolutionary advances / ambassadors
1. Poor food sales in the supermarket were _________ by an increase in the sale of clothing and household goods.
2. He became an _________ for his sport after winning five gold medals at the Olympics.
3. Because of the poor economic conditions, many people are _________ to keep hold of their jobs.
4. Due to _________ in medicine, more people with cancer are able to survive and go on to lead a healthy life.
1. Poor food sales in the supermarket were offset by an increase in the sale of clothing and household goods.
2. He became an ambassador for his sport after winning five gold medals at the Olympics.
3. Because of the poor economic conditions, many people are striving to keep hold of their jobs.
4. Due to revolutionary advances in medicine, more people with cancer are able to survive and go on to lead a healthy life.