動名詞 gerunds 是動詞-ing 形式,可以有名詞的功能性;而動詞不定式 infinitives 是指不帶詞形變化從而不描述人稱、數量或時態的形式。做測驗,看看你能分得清楚嗎?
1. She said she enjoys _________ video games in her spare time.
a) play
b) played
c) to play
d) playing
2. I regret_________ her that I didn’t like her outfit. She was very angry with me.
a) tell
b) having told
c) to tell
d) to telling
3. The journey was a long one so we stopped _______ lunch on the way.
a) having
b) have
c) for to have
d) to have
4. I promise _______ straight home after work.
a) to come
b) coming
c) having come
d) I come
5. She pretended __________ me when I passed her in the street. I think she is angry with me.
a) to see
b) seeing
c) not to see me
d) not seeing
6. I’ve finally managed to give up ________ after all these years. I feel so much better.
a) to smoke
b) smoking
c) smoke
d) smoker
1) d, 2) b, 3) d, 4) a, 5) c, 6) b.