引用他人的話有兩種方式:一種是直接引用說話者的原話,這叫直接引語 direct speech;另一種是用自己的話轉述說話者的原話,這叫間接引語 reported speech。學習直接引語和間接引語最讓人頭疼的就是時態的變換。通過這個小測驗來學習和檢查你對引語時態、句型變換的掌握。
1. What is the correct reporting of this sentence? “I will pick you up after work,” said Paul.
a) Paul said he picks me up after work.
b) Paul said he picked me up after work.
c) Paul said he did pick me up after work
d) Paul said he would pick me up after work.
2. What is the correct direct speech of this reported speech? Susie said she could speak five languages.
a) “I can speak five languages,” said Susie.
b) “I can’t speak five languages,” said Susie.
c) “I speak five languages,” said Susie.
d) “I am speaking five languages,” said Susie.
3. What is the correct reporting of the following sentence? “You should see a doctor,” said my mum.
a) My mum offered to see a doctor.
b) My mum advised me to see a doctor.
c) My mum promised me to see a doctor.
d) My mum reminded me to see a doctor.
4. What is the correct reporting of the following sentence? “I am the best student in this class!” said Peter.
a) Peter warned that he was the best student in the class.
b) Peter complained that he was the best student in the class.
c) Peter boasted that he was the best student in the class.
d) Peter wondered that he was the best student in the class.
5. What is the correct reporting of the following sentence? “I have been to many foreign cities,” she said.
a) She said she have been to many foreign cities.
b) She said she was in many foreign cities.
c) She said she had been to many foreign cities.
d) She said she had been seen in many foreign cities.
6. What is the correct direct speech of this reported speech? He said he had seen me the day before.
a) “I saw you yesterday,” he said.
b) “I saw you today,” he said.
c) “I see you yesterday,” he said.
d) “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.
1) d, 2) a, 3) b, 4) c, 5) c, 6) a.