一項研究顯示,熱帶雨林地區的樹木砍伐促進了黑鼠對森林地帶的入侵。發表在《熱帶生物學》期刊上的一篇文章指出,迄今為止,這些哺乳動物一直都在回避那些不能給它們提供地面保護的森林。以下是 BBC 記者 Matt McGrath 的報道:
While black rats have spread rapidly throughout the world over the past 400 years, they've tended to avoid mature forests, disliking the leafy floors which are noisy for these rodents to run through.
Now researchers have found that the clearing of rainforests in the developing world could be speeding the spread of these black creatures.
In tests in Borneo, scientists found that fallen trees contained more insects and provided better cover for these rats.
The authors are concerned that this invasion will be bad news for other species, including nesting birds and small mammals.
throughout 遍及,到處
tended 趨向于,傾向于
rodents 老鼠,嚙齒類動物
clearing 清除
provided 提供了
bad news 壞消息
mammals 哺乳動物
1. Why don't rats like running along the ground in rainforests?
2. Where is the spread of black rats more intense?
3. Where was the research done?
4. Why would the rat invasion be of particular concern to birds and small mammals?
1. Why don't rats like running along the ground in rainforests?
Because it is full of fallen leaves from trees which makes it noisy for rats to run through.
2. Where is the spread of black rats more intense?
In the developing world, where forests are being cut down.
3. Where was the research done?
In Borneo.
4. Why would the rat invasion be of particular concern to birds and small mammals?
Because black rats might eat them or compete with them for the same food.