在印度,至少有3.3億國民遭受嚴重干旱的影響。印度政府已將災情告知最高法院,并發出警告稱受災人數還會增加。請聽 BBC Gill McGivering 發回的報道。
The government says about 330 million people are now affected by drought and that number may rise as more states submit reports. It's a startling picture made worse by two years of poor rainfall and unusually hot weather.
There are hints of underlying problems too, from growing industrial use of water to failures to maintain rivers and waterways. In some places reservoirs are down to a quarter of their capacity - in others they've pretty much run dry.
Some cities have imposed water rationing. The latest water train carrying 2.5 million litres of water a distance of more than 340km has just arrived in a drought-stricken region of Maharashtra. Local newspapers report deaths from dehydration and heatstroke and suicides by farmers who've lost crops and cattle.
Some villagers walk long distances in search of water. In one recent case, a 12-year-old girl, Yogita, collapsed and died in rural Maharashtra, as she made her fifth trip to fetch water from the nearest pump, half a kilometre from her village.
a startling picture 令人吃驚、震驚的局面或事態
underlying 深層的、表面下的
industrial 工業的
maintain 保護、維持
capacity 容量
imposed 強制實施
rationing 配給制度、限量供應
drought-stricken 受干旱嚴重影響的
dehydration (身體)脫水
heatstroke 中暑
fetch 取,拿來
1. What has the weather in Maharashtra been like for the past two years?
2. True or false? Farmer's crops and cattle have gone missing.
3. How is fresh water being taken to the drought-stricken areas?
4. What word used in the report means 'fell down suddenly'?
1. What has the weather in Maharashtra been like for the past two years?
Dry and very hot – there has been two years of poor rainfall and unusually hot weather.
2. True or false? Farmer's crops and cattle have gone missing.
False. Farmers have lost their crops and cattle, meaning they have been destroyed or died.
3. How is fresh water being taken to the drought-stricken areas?
By a 'water train'.
4. What word used in the report means 'fell down suddenly'?
Collapsed. 'A 12-year-old girl, Yogita, collapsed and died in rural Maharashtra.'