氣缸 cylinder 是發(fā)動機的重要部件。大多數(shù)汽車內含有多個氣缸,只有點著所有氣缸,發(fā)動機才能順利運行。我們可以用表達 to be firing on all cylinders 來形容工作進展得十分順利或某人發(fā)揮出了其全部潛力,就如同開足了馬力的汽車一樣狀態(tài)很好。它不光可以用來形容個人,還可以形容團隊或群體狀態(tài)絕佳的情形。
The team aren't firing on all cylinders but they still managed to win.
I've got a bit of cold so apologies if I'm not firing on all cylinders today.
That was a brilliant performance. The orchestra is certainly firing on all cylinders at the moment.
表達 in the firing line “站在火力線上”的意思是某人或事物成為事件或話題的眾矢之的,即非常容易受人詬病,常被用來形容某人或某事物處于風口浪尖。
The athlete found himself in the firing line when he said that women should stay at home and not do sports.
Smoking has been in the firing line for many years.