副詞 there 不僅可以用來指地理位置,表示 “在那里”、“到那里”,它與動詞 be、seem、appear 等連用時可用來表示事物或人的存在和狀態。在不同的句式中,與副詞 there 連用的動詞形式及其位置會有所改變。做六道題測試你是否掌握了 there 的相關用法。
1. If I had sent the invitations earlier, _________ more people at the party.
a) there were
b) there is
c) there are
d) there would have been
2. I am very unhappy with your team's performance. _________ an immediate improvement or there will be consequences!
a) There would be
b) There needs to be
c) There can be
d) There might be
3. After the fire took place, _________ a terrible smell throughout the building.
a) there were
b) there was
c) there will be
d) there are
4. I'm starving. _________ any food at the party later? I hope so.
a) There is
b) There are
c) Are there
d) Will there be
5. Nothing happens without a cause. _________ a reason for this.
a) Must there be
b) There must be
c) There mustn't be
d) Mustn't there be
6. Scientists are speculating that _________ life found on the moons that orbit the planet Jupiter.
a) there could be
b) could there be
c) there could be not
d) there needs to be
1) d, 2) b, 3) b, 4) d, 5) b, 6) a.