在和人交流時,我們需要對他人所說的話作出回應,有時候要表現出有興趣 interest,有時候要表示驚訝 surprise,有時候還需要表現出無所謂的態度 indifference。在什么情況下用什么樣的表達,你知道嗎?
1. What emotion does B’s response express?
A: Hey, I got an A in my English exam!
B: Big deal!
a) Interest
b) Surprise
c) Indifference
d) None of the above
2. Complete the following sentence so that it expresses surprise.
A: Did you hear that Susan is getting married this weekend?
B: _________________
a) Whatever!
b) So what!
c) You’ve got to be kidding me!
d) Yeah
3. Complete B’s response to indicate surprise.
A: I am dropping out of university to start a band.
B: _________________
a) Get lost!
b) Get out of here!
c) Get back to work!
d) Get a life!
4. What emotion does B’s response express?
A: I’ve just been given a promotion at work.
B: So what!
a) Interest
b) Surprise
c) Indifference
d) None of the above
5. Which word is often used to express indifference to something another person has said?
a) Whatever!
b) Whenever!
c) Whoever!
d) However!
6. Complete B’s response so that it expresses interest.
A: My favourite English author is Charles Dickens.
B: _________________
a) Really?
b) I don't care.
c) Like I care!
d) So what!
1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) c, 5) a, 6) a.