詞匯: 性格
English is full of colourful phrases to describe shyness. Someone timid might be called shrinking violet or a wallflower , while for especially nervous types we have the curious expression: they wouldn’t say boo to a goose .
None of these are traditionally seen as positive descriptions, even if you like geese. In a culture of go-getting high achievers, shy people don’t come first.
Or that's what the self-help industry would have you believe. Bookshops are filled with weighty tomes that promise to help beat social fears and find success in life, love and business.
Which is why one book, Shrinking Violets: A Field Guide to Shyness, bucks the trend. It made a splash across English-language media recently for its new take on bashfulness.
Author Joe Moran says that despite struggling with shyness and craving solitude all his life, being timid can also be "a gift". Freed from the persistent urge to participate and compete in social situations, people are liberated to look at the world in new ways, and gain fresh insights.
Indeed, many of the world's great thinkers and artists are introverts. Scientists Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein preferred their own company; actress Keira Knightley often finds herself tongue-tied at parties; and Harry Potter author JK Rowling claims she used to be too nervous to even borrow a pen – a reticence she says forced her to delve deep into the world of her imagination.
Moran told BBC Future: "I think shyness probably does turn you into an amateur anthropologist, really – you are more likely to be an observer."
So, while extroverts make all the noise, they don't necessarily have the best ideas.
If you're shy, you've probably known this for a long time. You just don't shout about it.
timid 膽怯的
shrinking violet “含羞草”,怕羞的、靦腆的人
wallflower “壁花”,在社交場合因害羞而一言不發(fā)的人
not say boo to a goose “對鵝都不敢噓一聲”,形容非常膽小
go-getting 敢做敢為的,有野心的
self-help 自救的
would have you believe 希望你相信的
tome 大部頭
buck the trend 逆勢而上
make a splash 一炮打響
bashfulness 羞赧,羞澀
crave solitude 渴望孤獨
gift 天賦,饋贈
urge 沖動
introvert 性格內向者
tongue-tied (由于緊張而)張口結舌的
reticence 緘默,寡言少語
delve 深入地探索
anthropologist 人類學家
extrovert 性格外向者
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. Does the self-help industry see shyness as a business opportunity?
2. Is it a good thing to be called a shrinking violet?
3. How does Joe Moran think shyness can help people?
4. In what way did shyness help create Harry Potter?
5. True or false: Joe Moran prefers to be by himself.
2. 請你在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處 。
1. __________ feel happier when with other people.
Introverts Extroverts Shrinking violets Geese
2. Marek _________. He's so bashful.
is a go-getter wouldn't say boo to a goose would say boo to a goose is a real extrovert
3. I see my blindness as a _________. It sharpens my other senses and makes me a better listener.
present gift disability self-help
4. This new fat-only diet really _________ - all other diets require you to eat less fat.
shrinks violets delves deep makes a splash bucks the trend
5. I really _________ time by myself. I need at least four hours a day on my own.
crave urge buck delve
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. Does the self-help industry see shyness as a business opportunity?
Yes, the article says bookshops are full of books claiming to help people overcome shyness.
2. Is it a good thing to be called a shrinking violet?
No, traditionally it's not been seen as a positive thing.
3. How does Joe Moran think shyness can help people?
He thinks that being liberated from the desire to take part in social events can give people space to have fresh insights and ideas.
4. In what way did shyness help create Harry Potter?
Harry Potter author JK Rowling says her early shyness forced her to deeply explore the world of her imagination.
5. True or false: Joe Moran prefers to be by himself.
True. He "craves solitude", according to the article.
2. 請你在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處 。
1. Extroverts feel happier when with other people.
2. Marek wouldn't say boo to a goose . He's so bashful.
3. I see my blindness as a gift . It sharpens my other senses and makes me a better listener.
4. This new fat-only diet really bucks the trend - all other diets require you to eat less fat.
5. I really crave time by myself. I need at least four hours a day on my own.