1. What is the unofficial name for London's underground train network?
a) the Metro
b) the Tube
c) the Underground
d) the Smoke
2. What do the guards at Buckingham Palace wear on their heads?
a) bearskin hats
b) flat caps
c) berets
d) wigs
3. What phrase is used on the London Underground network to warn passengers about the small distance between the train and the platform?
a) Mind the gap
b) Mind your head
c) Mind your language
d) Mind your own business
4. What is the name for the plastic card that is used as a chargeable ticket to travel on London’s public transport?
a) A debit card
b) A credit card
c) An Oyster card
d) A top-up card
5. What is the name for an official taxi that you can flag down in the street in London?
a) A black cab
b) A mini-cab
c) A rickshaw
d) A Boris bike
6. What is the name for the traditional inhabitants of London’s East End?
a) A Scouser
b) A Geordie
c) A Brummie
d) A Cockney
1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) d.