當學生,做作業可是頭等要事兒,不過你分得清各種作業,比如 dissertation 論文和 essay 文章的區別嗎?還有三明治課程究竟是什么意思?本期《英語小測驗》挑戰你對大學里一些常用表達的理解。
1. Students are reminded that all coursework must _________ by the end of May.
a) be handed in
b) be handed
c) hand in
d) hand out
2. I had to write a 25,000-word _________ to complete my Master’s degree.
a) email
b) report
c) dissertation
d) presentation
3. What is ‘Freshers’ Week’?
a) A week of celebration following graduation.
b) An introductory week of activities for first-year students joining the university.
c) A week of preparation before the first-year exams.
d) A week of interviews to select new students for a university.
4. What is a ‘sandwich course’?
a) A course at a culinary college in food preparation.
b) A part-time course in which students study in their lunch hours.
c) A special course that takes place during the university summer holidays.
d) A university course in which students also take on full-time work related to their field of study.
5. What description best characterises a seminar?
a) A speech delivered by a tutor to a large group of students.
b) A one-to-one session between a teacher and a student.
c) A class at university in which a particular topic is discussed by a tutor and a small group of students.
d) A series of tasks that students must complete over the course of an academic year.
6. He was a first-rate student and won a _________ to study at Oxford University because of his academic excellence.
a) scholarship
b) grant
c) bursary
d) student loan
1) a, 2) c, 3) b, 4) d, 5) c, 6) a.