英式英語和美式英語最明顯的區別之一在于,同一事物的詞匯可能有所不同。比如,在表示“由人排成的隊”時,英國人說 queue,而美國人則說 line;在英國和美國,“西服背心”或“馬甲”的對應說法分別是 waistcoat 和 vest。你能分清特定事物在英式英語和美式英語中的區別嗎?試做《英語小測驗》,豐富你的英語詞匯。
1. How would a British English speaker and an American English speaker refer to something moving in the opposite direction to the normal rotation of a clock?
a) British English: anticlockwise
American English: counterclockwise
b) British English: counterclockwise
American English: anticlockwise
c) British English: nonclockwise
American English: circumclockwise
d) British English: circumclockwise
American English: nonclockwise
2. Which word in British English and American English is a small bag worn on a strap around the waist – often for holding passports or travel money?
a) British English: waist pack
American English: hip sack
b) British English: hip bag
American English: waist pack
c) British English: fanny pack
American English: bumbag
d) British English: bumbag
American English: fanny pack
3. When flying, American English speakers would take 'an airplane', but what would British English speakers take?
a) An aireplane
b) An aeroplane
c) An heirplane
d) An aeiroplane
4. Which word means 'a walking route under a road' in British English, but 'an underground train system' in American English?
a) Underway
b) Subway
c) Underwalk
d) Subpass
5. If for some reason an American English speaker and a British English speaker need to go to court, who will they hire to represent them?
a) British English: a lawyer
American English: a solicitor
b) British English: an attorney
American English: a lawyer
c) British English: a barrister
American English: an attorney
d) British English: a solicitor
American English: a barrister
6. In American English these tasty potato snacks are known as 'chips' and 'French fries', but what are they called in British English?
a) Nachos and crisps
b) Chips and hash browns
c) Flakes and frites
d) Crisps and chips
1) a, 2) d, 3) b, 4) b, 5) c, 6) d.