Food and mood 吃什么會影響你的情緒
Vocabulary: health 詞匯: 健康
Cosuming food can be a pleasurable thing – we enjoy feasting on the mix of tastes and textures and it stops us feeling hungry too. Of course, food also gives us energy and the vitamins and minerals that our body needs. It's no wonder we spend so much time preparing and eating food. But what many of us don't consider is how our emotions are affected by what we put into our bellies.
For me, it's the unhealthy foods that put a smile on my face – chocolate, cakes and ice cream – well, I do have a sweet tooth! It might seem obvious that food that's bad for our waistline, usually makes us happy, at least in the short term. Most of us get this feeling when we use food as a quick pick-me-up. But dieticians tell us that eating bad food long term, not only makes us put on weight but can lead to other health conditions such as diabetes, and it can also affect our mental state and bring on depression.
The link between our mind and food has been looked at by scientists.They've recently found that it's the bacteria in our gut that affects our mood. It's thought we have 39 trillion of these simple, small organisms in our body. Researchers at McMaster University in Canada and University College Cork in Ireland, have found that certain 'good' bacteria help reduce anxiety in mice. And researchers at Kyushu University also found that germs help reduce stress and anxiety in mice. Experts believe that, for us humans, this means food with 'good' bacteria can improve the way we feel.
Many food products are claiming to be high in this 'good' bacteria and some of the best types are homemade fermented food like miso soup, yoghurt and sauerkraut. This really makes me think twice about what I eat – maybe I should change my diet to perk me up! Doctor Michael Mosley would agree. He's been looking into this for the BBC and says the best food to cheer us up is in a "Mediterranean diet. Olive oil; oily fish, full of omega 3, which is really good for the brain; whole grains; lots of fruits and vegetables. Sugar: terrible for you!"
So maybe it's time to lay off the fatty and sugary things. Eating healthily may seem simple, even if the science behind it is complex. It's not rocket science but this is further evidence for the saying 'we are what we eat' – the person we are is determined by the food we eat. There are other factors that can change our mood but it seems we have some ability to improve how we feel by controlling what we put on our plate. Does your diet affect your mood?
pleasurable 令人愉快的
belly 肚子,腹部
a smile on one’s face 某人面帶微笑
sweet tooth 愛吃甜食,對甜食喜愛
pick-me-up 使人興奮的飲品或食品
dietician 營養師
diabetes 糖尿病
mental state 精神狀態
depression 抑郁,沮喪
bacteria 細菌(bacterium 的復數)
gut 腸道,消化道
organism 生物體,有機體
anxiety 不安,焦慮
germ 細菌,病菌
stress 壓力
fermented 發酵的
sauerkraut 泡菜
perk somebody up 使某人提起精神,使某人活躍起來
omega 3 奧米茄三脂肪酸
lay off 戒掉
'we are what we eat' “吃什么像什么”
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. What does the author mean when he says unhealthy food, such as cakes, is bad for your waistline?
2. Approximately how many bacteria are thought to be in our body?
3. What kind of bacteria do scientists believe will put us in a good mood?
4. What phrase does the author use to mean carefully consider what you do at the moment or what you are planning to do is a good idea?
5. According to Doctor Michael Mosley, where in the world is food containing 'good' bacteria mostly found?
2. 請你在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。
1. Having a ______ could be a bit cheaper for Finns in future, after the government announced it will remove a tax on confectionery and ice cream from 2017.
diabetes pick-me-up sweet tooth mental state
2. The sportsman has announced his retirement from swimming, because the brutal training regime led to ______.
depressing depression depressed depresion
3. Research shows there are more ______ on your phone screen than on a toilet seat.
omega 3 guts germs bacteria
4. The vet has asked the cat's owner to ______ the treats as Garfield, who weighs 6.6kg, is overweight.
lay off lay over lay out lay down
5. A plan to have dogs in the workplace will help reduce workers' ______ and fatigue.
germs perk me up pleasure stress
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. What does the author mean when he says unhealthy food, such as cakes, is bad for your waistline?
They make you fat; your waistline gets bigger!
2. Approximately how many bacteria are thought to be in our body?
It's thought we have 39 trillion of these simple, small organisms in our body.
3. What kind of bacteria do scientists believe will put us in a good mood?
'Good' bacteria.
4. What phrase does the author use to mean carefully consider what you do at the moment or what you are planning to do is a good idea?
'Think twice'. He says 'This really makes me think twice about what I eat.'
5. According to Doctor Michael Mosley, where in the world is food containing 'good' bacteria mostly found?
The Mediterranean – a Mediterranean diet. Olive oil; oily fish, full of omega 3, which is really good for the brain; whole grains; lots of fruits and vegetables.
2. 請你在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處 。
1. Having a sweet tooth could be a bit cheaper for Finns in future, after the government announced it will remove a tax on confectionery and ice cream from 2017.
2. The sportsman has announced his retirement from swimming, because the brutal training regime led to depression.
3. Research shows there are more germs on your phone screen than on a toilet seat.
4. The vet has asked the cat's owner to lay off the treats as Garfield, who weighs 6.6kg, is overweight.
5. A plan to have dogs in the workplace will help reduce workers' stress and fatigue.

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