醫學期刊《柳葉刀》(The Lancet)發布的一項研究報告指出,兒童肥胖已成全球問題。全世界有1億2400萬孩童過胖,肥胖問題已經蔓延至200個多個國家。研究結果還顯示,肥胖的兒童很可能到了成年階段依然肥胖,這會使他們面臨嚴重的健康問題。預估從2025年開始,全球對抗因肥胖導致的疾病所要花費的醫療成本將超過9200億英鎊(約8.28萬億人民幣)。請聽報道。
In the UK, one in ten children and teenagers is classed as obese. The highest rates can be found in some of the islands of Polynesia, where that proportion rises to nearly one in three. The United States and some Middle Eastern and North African countries are not far behind. There it's a fifth.
The World Health Organisation is demanding international action to tackle the marketing, pricing and availability of cheap high-calorie food.
is classed as 被歸類為…
obese 肥胖的
proportion 比例
Middle Eastern 中東地區的,中東的
North African 北美地區的,北美的
demanding 強烈要求
tackle 處理、應對(問題)
high-calorie 高卡路里(熱量單位)的,高熱量的
1. True or false: One in ten children and teenagers is considered overweight in the UK.
2. Which area has the highest rates of child and teenage obesity?
3. True or false: The United States and some Middle Eastern and North African countries are far behind the highest rates.
4. What issues is the World Health Organisation demanding action on?
1. True or false: One in ten children and teenagers is considered overweight in the UK.
True. According to the report, in the UK, one in ten children and teenagers is classed as obese.
2. Which area has the highest rates of child and teenage obesity?
The highest rates can be found in some of the islands of Polynesia where that proportion rises to nearly one in three.
3. True or false: The United States and some Middle Eastern and North African countries are far behind the highest rates.
False. According to the article, the United States and some Middle Eastern and North African countries are not far behind the highest rates.
4. What issues is the World Health Organisation demanding action on?
The World Health Organisation is demanding international action to tackle the marketing, pricing and availability of cheap high-calorie food.