法國莫雷特市市長拒絕延續以親吻同事臉頰來打招呼的這個傳統。皮卡德(Aude Picard-Wolff)說她不想再繼續行“貼面禮”(la bise),而希望能用握手替換這個傳統的問候方式。她還說自己曾在參加會議時故意晚到,以躲過這個法式的“親臉問候”。以下是更多報道。
Aude Picard-Wolff says she's long been troubled by this French habit of the 'bise' – that is the systematic way among people who don't necessarily know each other very well at all, notably in the workplace, of kissing each other or at least feigning to, one, two or three times on the cheek.
The problem is not so much that it's a gross waste of time or a germ hazard, it's more that as a woman, she feels uncomfortable. Mainly in France, men do not give the bise to other men, except in the close family, but women feel automatically obliged to give and receive it with everyone.
So for Aude Picard-Wolff, in a very small way, it's an indicator of sexual inequality. What started as a personal initiative, has now gained nationwide coverage in France and Aude Picard-Wolff says she's been overwhelmed by the emails of support, mainly from women who say that they too have had enough of the bise and want the option, especially at work, of a frank, friendly handshake.
In many countries, like the UK, the handshake has given ground over the years to the continental kiss, French style. It would be irony indeed if the French now started the process in reverse.
troubled 被…所困擾
systematic 一貫的,約定俗成的
feigning 假裝
gross 嚴重的
obliged 必須做某事
indicator 跡象,指示
sexual inequality 性別的不平等
overwhelmed 激動得不知所措
frank 真誠坦率的
given ground 騰出地方,讓位
irony 具有諷刺意味的情況
1. Which people did Aude Picard-Wolff not want to kiss on the cheeks?
2. Why did Aude Picard-Wolff not want to give the bise (kiss on the cheeks) to her work colleagues?
3. How would Aude Picard-Wolff and her supporters, prefer to greet people at work?
4. True or false? It is currently law for women to give the bise to everyone but not for men.
1. Which people did Aude Picard-Wolff not want to kiss on the cheeks?
She did not want to kiss on the cheeks with people she worked with.
2. Why did Aude Picard-Wolff not want to give the bise (kiss on the cheeks) to her work colleagues?
She felt it was sexist and she wants both men and women to greet each other in the same way.
3. How would Aude Picard-Wolff and her supporters, prefer to greet people at work?
She wants to greet her work colleagues with a handshake.
4. True or false? It is currently law for women to give the bise to everyone but not for men.
False. It is not law but women feel automatically obliged to give and receive the bise with everyone.