2018年平昌冬季奧運會于2018年2月9日 - 25日在大韓民國平昌郡舉行。在觀看任何體育比賽時,能恰當地使用英語單詞來描述“觀賽、競技、得獎、奪冠”是我們應掌握的基礎知識。做下面這個測驗,增加你對描述體育比賽常見動詞的英語儲備。
1. Which is the correct use of the verb 'to win' in this sentence?
'Russia are likely ______ the ice hockey.'
a) to win
b) winning
c) win
d) winner
2. Choose the correct form of the verb 'to watch' to compete this sentence:
'Canadians love ______ winter sports.'
a) watches
b) watch
c) watched
d) watching
3. Pick the correct form of the verb 'to win' to complete this sentence:
'In the 2014 Winter Olympics, Norway managed ______ the most gold medals.'
a) win
b) to win
c) won
d) winning
4. Which form of the verb 'to ski' do you need to complete the sentence?
'There needs to be plenty of snow ______. Otherwise the competition be cancelled.'
a) to ski
b) skiing
c) ski
d) skied
5. Which is the correct verb to use in this sentence?
'Austria often wins the Alpine Ski event, which involves ______ down snow-covered hills on skis with fixed-heel bindings.'
a) slide
b) slid
c) sliding
d) to slide
6. Which is the correct use of the verb 'to lose' in these sentences:
The best Olympic competitors hate ______.
a) lose
b) losing
c) to lose
d) lost
1) a, 2) d, 3) b, 4) a, 5) c, 6) b.