英國劍橋公爵威廉王子和劍橋公爵夫人凱特王妃,哈里王子及他的未婚妻梅根·馬克爾(Meghan Markle)首次為了工作在公眾場合一同露面。這幾位被稱為王室版“披頭士四人組(The Fab Four)”的年輕人講述了慈善事業對于他們的重要性。梅根說她非常期待開始履行皇室職務。
It was the first working appearance by the foursome who will take the Royal Family forward for decades to come.
In a speech, William said their parents had set them an example of compassion and duty; their grandparents had made support for charities central to their decades of service. Their task, William said, was to engage in public life in a way which was updated and relevant for what he called "our generation."
To that end, in a discussion that followed, Meghan Markle said that she was looking forward to hitting the ground running on issues like women's rights after her wedding in May.
1. 詞匯表
foursome 四人組
decades 數十年,幾十年
compassion 愛心、同情心
duty 責任、職責
central 主要的,核心的
engage 參與、參加
public life 公眾生活,公眾事務
hitting the ground running 投入到…中去,積極地開展…
2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. True or false? These four people will be engaging in royal duties for many years to come.
2. What two qualities does Prince William think his parents displayed?
3. What word is used to show that charity was very important to William's grandparents?
4. Does Meghan Markle want to start working on issues she cares about immediately?
3. 答案
1. True or false? These four people will be engaging in royal duties for many years to come.
True. They will take the Royal Family forward for decades.
2. What two qualities does Prince William think his parents displayed?
Compassion and duty.
3. What word is used to show that charity was very important to William's grandparents?
Central. "Their grandparents had made support for charities central to their decades of service."
4. Does Meghan Markle want to start working on issues she cares about immediately?
Yes. She's looking forward to hitting the ground running.