The Treasury says that six out of ten copper coins are used only once before being stashed away or even chucked in the bin. The Royal Mint has been issuing hundreds of millions of the coins every year, only for them to disappear into jars or the back of drawers, which the government believes isn't cost-effective.
There's been a sharp drop in cash transactions under five pounds since the introduction of contactless card payments. As yet, the Treasury says it has no plans to get rid of the coins but many see this as the beginning of the end.
英國財政部稱,每十枚銅幣(即便士)中就會有六枚硬幣僅在一次使用后就被人存置一旁,甚至被扔進垃圾箱。英國皇家鑄幣局(The Royal Mint)每年都在發行數以千萬枚的硬幣,而這些硬幣最后卻只能被藏到存錢罐里或是抽屜的深處,英國政府認為這是不劃算的。
1. 詞匯表
stashed 被存放,被藏匿起來
chucked 被扔掉
cost-effective 劃算的,成本效益高的
transactions (金錢上的)交易,這里是復數,指多筆交易
contactless card payments 非接觸式銀行卡付款,略稱“contactless”
the beginning of the end 事物走向結束的開端
2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. What type of metal are the British 1p and 2p coins made of?
2. True or false? The Royal Mint issued more than a million pounds worth of these small coins last year.
3. According to the report, why are fewer small coins being used?
4. Which phrase used in the report, implies that these small coins may eventually be phased out?
3. 答案
1. What type of metal are the British 1p and 2p coins made of?
They are made of copper. They are sometimes informally referred to as 'coppers'.
2. True or false? The Royal Mint issued more than a million pounds worth of these small coins last year.
False. The Royal Mint has been issuing hundreds of millions of the coins every year – this is the number of coins but not the value in sterling.
3. According to the report, why are fewer small coins being used?
More people are using contactless cards to make small payments with.
4. Which phrase used in the report, implies that these small coins may eventually be phased out?
'The beginning of the end'.