Our drinks in future are going to be a bit more expensive. We'll get our money back if we can be bothered to return our drinks containers to the shop. If the UK follows the sort of scheme adopted long ago across much of northern Europe, the empty bottles and cans would go into a machine that would identify them and give you a coupon to spend in the shop.
The Norway scheme has recycling rates of 94 per cent. Its UK counterpart will cover plastic, glass, steel and aluminium containers. Key questions are how much deposit should be charged and whether it should apply to large supermarket bottles or just to smaller bottles on the go.
Environmentalists are delighted but some industry figures may be worried about the price tag because business could be asked to pick up the bill for installing and running the deposit return scheme. Currently packaging manufacturers pay only around ten per cent of the local authority bill for recycling packaging.
1. 詞匯表
be bothered 費事、費力做(非正式說法)
containers 容器
adopted 被采用
coupon 代金券、禮券
counterpart 相對的事物
deposit 押金
environmentalists 環境保護主義者,環保人士
industry figures 業界人士
price tag 原意為“價簽”,這里指“價格費用”
pick up the bill 掏腰包,付款(非正式說法)
2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. How will people in the UK get their money back after they have bought a plastic bottle?
2. How much deposit will people in the UK have to pay when purchasing a plastic bottle?
3. Why are some business people worried about this new scheme?
4. True or false? This new recycling scheme is only for plastic bottles.
3. 答案
1. How will people in the UK get their money back after they have bought a plastic bottle?
They would have to return it to the shop and put it in a special machine.
2. How much deposit will people in the UK have to pay when purchasing a plastic bottle?
This has not been decided. The reporter said "how much deposit should be charged" is a key question.
3. Why are some business people worried about this new scheme?
They are concerned because they might have to pay for installing and running the deposit return scheme.
4. True or false? This new recycling scheme is only for plastic bottles.
False. The UK scheme will cover plastic, glass, steel and aluminium containers.