While cancer survival rates have improved dramatically, patients who aren't displaying very obvious signs of the illness sometimes struggle to access quickly the help they need.
Those with vague, non-specific symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss or abdominal pain, can be referred several times for different tests for different cancers.
So NHS England is now adopting an approach first developed in Denmark by introducing ten specialist rapid diagnostic and assessment centres. The aim is that every patient is either diagnosed or given the all-clear within 28 days.
1. 詞匯表
survival rates 存活率,生存率
displaying 表現(癥狀)
obvious signs 明顯跡象
access 獲取、得到
vague 模糊的,不明確的
non-specific 非特定的
unexplained 原因不明的
weight loss 體重下降
abdominal pain 腹痛
referred 被轉診
diagnostic 用于診斷的
assessment centres 評估中心
the all-clear 解除警報
2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. Which country first developed the 'one-stop shop' approach?
2. What is the aim of the diagnostic and assessment centres?
3. True or false? Patients with vague, non-specific symptoms can access quickly the help they need.
4. Which word in the text is a synonym of 'quick'?
3. 答案
1. Which country first developed the 'one-stop shop' approach?
The country that first developed the approach is Denmark.
2. What is the aim of the diagnostic and assessment centres?
The aim is that every patient is either diagnosed or given the all-clear within 28 days.
3. True or false? Patients with vague, non-specific symptoms can access quickly the help they need.
False. According to the text, Patients who aren't displaying very obvious signs of the illness sometimes struggle to access quickly the help they need.
4. Which word in the text is a synonym of 'quick'?