英國著名劇作家莎士比亞的誕辰和忌日是每年的4月23日,聯合國英文日(English Language Day)也被定在這一天。這位文豪創造了哪些被人沿襲至今的英語說法?通過做以下的《英語小測驗》學習六個現代英語中由莎士比亞創造的詞匯和表達。
1. Someone who is very good and who helps other people has a ______.
a) heart of silver
b) heart of metal
c) heart of diamond
d) heart of gold
2. Which phrase means that you like someone so much that you don’t see the bad things about them?
a) love is cruel
b) love is blind
c) love is free
d) love is forever
3. We use this phrase to describe people who don’t hide their emotions.
a) to wear your heart on your shirt
b) to wear your heart on your head
c) to wear your heart on your sleeve
d) to wear your heart on your chest
4. We can describe looking for something that can’t be found as a ______.
a) wild goose chase
b) angry chicken search
c) crazy duck seek
d) lazy swan pursuit
5. What phrase describes jealousy?
a) the red-eyed monster
b) the blue-eyed monster
c) the yellow-eyed monster
d) the green-eyed monster
6. When you meet people for the first time, talking about the weather is a good way ______.
a) to break the ice
b) to break the cold
c) to break the freeze
d) to break the snow
1) d, 2) b, 3) c, 4) a, 5) d 6) a