每年五月的第一個(gè)星期日被定為 “World Laugher Day 世界大笑日”。常言道 “歡笑是良藥”。滑稽、幽默的笑話常令人忍俊不禁、開(kāi)懷大笑。你擅長(zhǎng)講笑話嗎?英語(yǔ)中常用的和 “笑話” 有關(guān)的表達(dá)你知道幾個(gè)?來(lái)笑著做下面的六道題。
1. The most important part of a funny story is the bit at the end, the ______.
a) funnyline
b) laughterline
c) punchline
d) jokeline
2. I’m terrible at ______ jokes.
a) speaking
b) talking
c) telling
d) saying
3. I’m feeling a bit unhappy. Have you got a joke to ______?
a) happy me up
b) sad me down
c) set me up
d) cheer me up
4. Laughter is sometimes described as ______.
a) the best cure
b) the best medicine
c) the best treatment
d) the best remedy
5. He told a joke that was so funny I nearly ______.
a) laughed my head off
b) laughed my eyes out
c) laughed my legs off
d) laughed my ears out
6. In text-speak, what does ROTFL mean?
a) running over the floor laughing
b) rushing on the feet laughing
c) rolling on the floor laughing
d) reaching over the fence laughing
1) c, 2) c, 3) d, 4) b, 5) a, 6) c.