摩天大樓 “skyscrapers”,這種高聳入云的建筑已成為現代大都市里不可忽視的一道景象,也成為了游客們競相游覽的勝地以及商業和住宅中心。你知道多少有關 “摩天大樓” 的常識?試著用以下《英語小測驗》里出現過的英語詞匯描述高層建筑。
1. A skyscraper is a building that has over 40 ______.
a) stations
b) flights
c) floors
d) ceilings
2. Another word for a skyscraper is a ______ building.
a) tall-rise
b) tall-level
c) high-level
d) high-rise
3. The Hong Kong harbour ______ is famous for its skyscrapers.
a) skyline
b) street view
c) water line
d) skyview
4. To get to the top of a skyscraper you usually take an elevator. What is an elevator called in British English?
a) an escalator
b) a moving platform
c) a lift
d) a carry-on
5. Some skyscrapers have a ______ near the top which is open to the public.
a) looking area
b) viewing platform
c) watching gallery
d) sightseer
6. Many skyscrapers have tall thin structures at the top which are part of the building. These are called ______.
a) steeples
b) spires
c) towers
d) legs
1) c, 2) d, 3) a, 4) c, 5) b, 6) b.