研究人員認為,通勤者們經常在上下班路途中查看工作郵件,因此這段旅程也應算入他們一天的工作總時長。此外,火車上無線網絡服務 和 手機的廣泛普及也延長了人們的日常工作時間。
The study of 5,000 commuters travelling by train into London each day raises the question of when the working day really begins. So many people were found to be catching up on emails that the journey had effectively become an unpaid extension of their business day.
Researchers from the University of the West of England say that the spread of internet access requires a rethinking of what employers mean by 'working hours'.
西英格蘭大學的研究人員們稱,互聯網的普及意味著要重新思考雇主所定義的 “工作時間”。
Business leaders were not unsympathetic. The Institute of Directors agreed that it was becoming hard to draw the line between work and home life and that if people were unable to switch off,it would mean more stress and a reduction in productivity.
1. 詞匯表
raises the question 引出、提出問題
working day 工作日
catching up 趕著做…
effectively 實際上
spread 廣泛普及
rethinking 重新思考
unsympathetic 不體恤人的,無同情心的
draw the line 劃清界限
switch off 不考慮、不擔心
stress 壓力
productivity 工作效率
2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. Where were the people who were part of this research travelling to?
2. What is encouraging people to work while they are commuting to work?
3. True or false? Researchers believe people who work while commuting could be less productive.
4. According to the report, how might working while commuting lead to stress?
3. 答案
1. Where were the people who were part of this research travelling to?
The study involved 5,000 commuters who were travelling by train into London.
2. What is encouraging people to work while they are commuting to work?
The spread of internet access means people can access their emails while they are travelling.
3. True or false? Researchers believe people who work while commuting could be less productive.
True. The Institute of Directors agreed that it was becoming hard to draw the line between work and home life and that people were unable to switch off, it would mean more stress and a reduction in productivity.
4. According to the report, how might working while commuting lead to stress?
Industry leaders say not being able to separate work and home life means people cannot 'switch off' and this could lead to stress.