每年的10月9日是由萬國郵政聯盟(Universal Postal Union)設立的 “世界郵政日 International Post Day”。傳統的郵遞系統拉近了人與人之間的距離,也加深了地區之間的溝通和交流。當代社會中,郵政服務仍是商務、生活中必不可少的一部分。通過做下面的小測驗,學習六個和 “郵遞、郵政 post” 有關的英語語言點。
1. Before you send a letter to someone you need to put it in a(n) ______.
a) envelope
b) box
c) wrapping paper
d) packet
2. Letters from companies that you don't know which are trying to sell you something are called this.
a) spam
b) hate mail
c) junk mail
d) trash letters
3. You need to buy one of these to pay for the cost of posting a letter.
a) a postcode
b) a stamp
c) a watermark
d) a frank
4. Many online sellers can arrange ______ for an extra fee.
a) tomorrow-delivery
b) soon-delivery
c) next-day delivery
d) quickly-delivery
5. If you want to know when your online shopping will arrive, some companies give you the information to ______.
a) trail your delivery
b) follow your delivery
c) see your delivery
d) track your delivery
6. The cost of sending something in the post depends on the weight. At the post office you have to put it on the ______.
a) scales
b) balance
c) gauge
d) measure
1) a, 2) c, 3) b, 4) c, 5) d, 6) a.