Using Buddy Benches to improve mental health 用 “好友長凳” 改善兒童心理健康
有關 “mental health 心理健康” 的詞匯
How many children have actually used the Buddy Bench?
This is what’s known as a 'Buddy' or 'Friendship Bench'. They’re needed because playgrounds can be lonely places sometimes. And these benches can help pupils feeling lonely to find a friend.
這就是所謂的 “好友長凳” 或 “友誼長椅”。它們為人所需,因為操場有時會是個孤獨的地方。而這些長凳能幫感到孤獨的小學生們找到朋友。
Benches like this have been around for a while now in many schools. But in Ireland, they are trying to do something a bit different with them. This school in Cork in the south of Ireland is the 247th to get one from a social enterprise called Buddy Bench Ireland that doesn't just provide schools with benches, it also runs special workshops with trained child psychiatrists.
這類長椅早已出現在很多學校里。但在愛爾蘭,人們在試著用它做不一樣的事。這所位于愛爾蘭南部城市科克的學校是第247個從社會企業 “好友凳愛爾蘭” 拿到凳子的學校,該企業不僅提供長凳,還與受過專門訓練的兒童精神病專家共同開辦特別講習班。
They use the bench as an opportunity to start conversations about mental well-being. They talk about the importance of being aware of your feelings and those of others.
Judith Ashton, co-founder, Buddy Bench Ireland
The children need to understand what the bench is about, what it symbolises – friendship, inclusion, listening to each other and the most important thing, that it’s important to express feelings.
朱迪斯·阿什頓 聯合創始人 好友凳愛爾蘭
But do children actually use the bench? It's something an independent academic study has been looking at.
Sinead Mcgilloway, Maynooth University
We found that 40% of the children told us that they had actually used the benches at the time of the study. And over 90% said that they would talk to a child if that child was sitting on the bench. So, certainly there doesn't appear to be any issues around stigma.
希奈德·麥吉洛維 梅努斯大學
“40%的孩子告訴我們,他們在研究期間確實使用了 ‘好友長凳’。超過90%的孩子說他們會和坐在長凳上的其他孩子交談。所以,顯然他們并不認為這有什么不光彩的。”
Children's mental health at school is increasingly a concern in many countries. In Ireland, they're hoping these benches will not only tackle issues like social isolation and bullying, but also give a future generation the confidence to open up about their feelings.
psychiatrists 精神病醫生
mental well-being 心理健康
inclusion 包容
express feelings 表達感受
stigma 恥辱感
Dozens of schools in England are giving students lessons in mindfulness to improve behaviour and health. This is a way to teach them to stop, be in the moment, be aware of their surroundings and relax.
At the time of the study, 40% of the children said they had used the bench.