每當假期過后,人們都希望能延長假期中慵懶的時光,繼續(xù)放松一下。每年的1月3日是 “睡眠節(jié) The Festival of Sleep”。良好的睡眠會能讓人一整天都精神抖擻,充滿干勁兒。通過做六道小題,學習和 “睡眠” 有關(guān)的英語表達。
1. If you know something really well and are able to do it easily you can say this.
a) I can do it on my sleep.
b) I can do it while I sleep.
c) I can do it in my sleep.
d) I can do it during my sleep.
2. In the evening, I’m so tired I usually ______ in front of the TV.
a) drop on
b) drop in
c) drop off
d) drop out
3. You don’t have to decide now. Why don’t you ______ before you make your final decision.
a) take a sleep
b) sleep on it
c) go to sleep
d) have a sleep
4. On Saturday morning I like to stay in bed and have a ______.
a) lie-off
b) lie-at
c) lie-on
d) lie-in
5. Which expression means to sleep really well?
a) sleep like a cat
b) sleep like a log
c) sleep like a stone
d) sleep like the ocean
6. I’m exhausted, last night I ______.
a) didn’t sleep a wink
b) slept like a bat
c) didn’t toss and turn at all
d) slept really well
1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) d, 5) b, 6) a.