“豬年” 春節到了。你會用英語描述新春佳節的傳統習俗嗎?怎樣用英語祝福人們 “新年快樂”?“農歷、陰歷”、“十二生肖” 的英語說法是什么?迎新年,做六道小題,學習用來談論春節的英語表達。
1. What greeting is typically given in British English at New Year?
a) Merry New Year!
b) Bon New Year!
c) Happy New Year!
d) Joyful New Year!
2. There are 12 animals in the Chinese ______ .
a) alphabet
b) script
c) chart
d) zodiac
3. In the Chinese calendar, 2019 is the Year ______ the Pig.
a) on
b) of
c) with
d) off
4. To bring good luck, before New Year you should clean your house ______.
a) from top to bottom
b) from left to right
c) from up to down
d) from inside out
5. Leaving windows and doors open at New Year is a way to ______ good luck.
a) let out
b) allow
c) let in
d) enter
6. Chinese New Year begins on the first day of the first ______ month.
a) solar
b) sun
c) moon
d) lunar
1) c, 2) d, 3) b, 4) a, 5) c, 6) d.