The towering peaks of K2 and Mount Everest are part of the frozen Hindu Kush and Himalaya ranges that contain more ice than anywhere else on Earth, apart from the polar regions.
But these ice fields could turn to bare rocks in less than a century because of rising temperatures, say scientists.
Over the next few decades, the melting could accelerate thanks to warming and increased air pollution from a growing population depositing soot on the ice.
If global temperatures rise by 2 degrees C, then half the glaciers would be gone by 2100. Even if the world takes dramatic action and limits warming to 1.5C by the end of the century, 36% of the glaciers will have disappeared.
如果全球氣溫上升 2 攝氏度,那么冰川將在 2100 年前減半。即使全世界都采取斷然的行動,在本世紀末將全球變暖控制在 1.5 攝氏度以內,36% 的冰川也將消失。
As well as millions of people living in the mountains, there are another 1.65 billion living in the river valleys below - all are vulnerable to flooding and the destruction of crops.
除了生活在山區的數百萬人以外,還有 16.5 億人生活在低處的河谷地區,他們容易受洪水和農作物被破壞的影響。
1. 詞匯
towering peaks 高峰,峰頂
frozen 冰凍的,結冰的
ranges 山脈
polar regions 極地區域
ice fields 冰原
melting 融化
accelerate 加速
air pollution 空氣污染
soot 煤灰
glaciers 冰川
river valleys 河谷
vulnerable 易受影響的
flooding 洪水
2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. True or false? Hindu Kush and Himalaya ranges contain more ice than anywhere else on Earth.
2. Why would the melting accelerate over the next few decades?
3. Besides millions of people living in the mountains, who else is vulnerable to flooding and the destruction of crops?
4. Which adjective in the text means ‘very sudden or noticeable’?
3. 答案
1. True or false? Hindu Kush and Himalaya ranges contain more ice than anywhere else on Earth.
False. They contain more ice than anywhere else on Earth apart from the polar regions.
2. Why would the melting accelerate over the next few decades?
Over the next few decades, the melting could accelerate thanks to warming and increased air pollution from a growing population depositing soot on the ice.
3. Besides millions of people living in the mountains, who else is vulnerable to flooding and the destruction of crops?
There are another 1.65 billion living in the river valleys below. They are also vulnerable to flooding and the destruction of crops.
4. Which adjective in the text means ‘very sudden or noticeable’?