一份有關昆蟲數量的科學審核報告顯示,世界上 40% 的昆蟲物種數量正 “急劇下降”。這份報告稱,導致昆蟲總數下降的原因是集約型農業、使用殺蟲劑以及氣候變暖。
Insects are the most abundant form of animal life on the planet, representing more than 17 times the weight of the entire human population.
昆蟲是地球上數量最充足的動物生命體,它們的重量之和相當于整個人類人口體重的 17 倍。
This study looked at 73 scientific reports. It found that overall, insect populations are falling by about 2.5% a year. 40% of the world's insects could be extinct within a few decades.
這份研究分析了 73 份科學報告。研究發現,總體來講,昆蟲的數量每年下降 2.5% 左右。世界上 40% 的昆蟲有可能會在未來的幾十年里滅絕。
In some areas, the decline is even more rapid. According to one recent study, the number of ground insects in Puerto Rico has fallen by 98% over the last 35 years. A growing body of research shows that insects are declining about twice as fast as vertebrates.
在一些地區,昆蟲數量的下降速度更快。一項最新報告顯示,波多黎各的陸地昆蟲數量已在過去的 35 年間下降了 98%。越來越多的研究表明,昆蟲數量的下降速度大約是脊椎動物的兩倍。
The report's authors say a rethinking of current agricultural practice is needed, in particular, a serious reduction in pesticide usage.
1. 詞匯
abundant 數量充足的
weight 重量,體重
extinct 滅絕的
decline 減少
ground insects 在陸地上生活的昆蟲
a growing body of 越來越多的
vertebrates 脊椎動物
rethinking 重新思考,重新審視
agricultural practices 農耕方法
pesticide 殺蟲劑
2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. True or false? An increasing amount of research shows that insects are declining slower than vertebrates.
2. How many reports did the study look at?
3. What practices need a rethinking, according to the authors of the report?
4. Which word in the text means ‘a great collection of something’?
3. 答案
1. True or false? An increasing amount of research shows that insects are declining slower than vertebrates.
False. A growing body of research shows that insects are declining twice as fast as vertebrates.
2. How many reports did the study look at?
The study looked at 73 reports.
3. What practices need a rethinking, according to the authors of the report?
Current agricultural practices, in particular, the amount of pesticide being used, need a rethinking, according to the authors of the report.
4. Which word in the text means ‘a great collection of something’?