Birth of a new royal baby 英王室添新成員
有關 “celebrating birth 慶祝降生” 的詞匯
Where is the royal baby’s new home?
Changing the Guard with the band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, performing today for some royal baby well-wishers, boosting the usual tourist numbers. Within earshot, ‘Baby Sussex’ is settling into his new home in the private estate of Windsor Castle.
今天,蘇格蘭皇家軍團的樂隊換崗儀式為一些前來祝福王室寶寶的人表演,使游客數量大大提高。在能聽到的距離內,“薩塞克斯寶寶” 正在溫莎城堡的私人莊園里安頓下來。
There’s still no picture of the new baby – fans will have to be content with the bulletin posted outside Buckingham Palace detailing his weight and time of birth. What has been beamed around the world is the delight of his father Prince Harry, who paid tribute to Meghan on the day she gave birth to their first child.
目前還沒有 “薩塞克斯寶寶” 的照片,粉絲們只能通過擺在白金漢宮外的公告,了解寶寶的出生體重和出生時間。不過他父親哈里王子的喜悅之情已經傳遍了全世界,哈里王子在梅根生下他們第一個孩子的這一天,向她表達了敬意。
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex
It’s been the most amazing experience I could have ever possibly imagined. How any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension, but we’re both absolutely thrilled. I’m so incredibly proud of my wife and as every father and parent would ever say, your baby is absolutely amazing, but this little thing is absolutely to die for, so I’m just over the moon.
哈里王子 薩塞克斯公爵
With media from across the world and royal fans waiting for the first pictures of ‘Baby Sussex’, just as it was in May last year for their wedding, the global spotlight is once again trained on this historic Berkshire town.
來自世界各地的媒體和王室粉絲都在等待 “薩塞克斯寶寶” 的第一張照片,就像去年 5 月薩塞克斯公爵夫婦的婚禮一樣,全球的焦點再次對準這個歷史悠久的伯克郡小鎮。
well-wishers 祝福者,支持者
settling into 安頓下來
delight 喜悅之情
to die for 非常美的,特別棒的
over the moon 欣喜若狂
His new home is in the private estate of Windsor Castle.