The UK's first public letterboxes began appearing in the early 1850s but were only produced in bright red about 20 years later.
英國首批公共信箱出現于 1850 年代初,推出大約 20 年后才被改成亮紅色的。
That design has remained almost unchanged, until now.
After a pilot last year, the Post Office has decided to roll out new wide-mouth boxes which can take parcels.
1,400 of the new boxes will be installed at 30 locations across the UK, including in Aberdeen and Cardiff, Belfast and Truro.
1400 個新郵筒將被安裝在英國上下 30 個地點,包括阿伯丁,卡迪夫,貝爾法斯特和特魯羅。
1. 詞匯表
letterboxes 投信口,郵筒
unchanged 沒有變化的
pilot 試行計劃
roll out 推行、推出
wide-mouth 寬口的,廣口的
installed 被安裝、被放置
2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題。
1. What did the Post Office do before they decided to roll out the new postboxes?
2. What happened approximately 20 years after the first letterboxes were introduced in the UK?
3. Why are these new postboxes different from the original ones?
4. How many places across the UK are these new parcel postboxes being installed?
3. 答案
1. What did the Post Office do before they decided to roll out the new postboxes?
The Post Office did a pilot before they decided to roll out the new postboxes.
2. What happened approximately 20 years after the first letterboxes were introduced in the UK?
The UK's first public letterboxes began appearing in the early 1850s but it was only 20 years later that they were produced in bright red.
3. Why are these new postboxes different from the original ones?
These new postboxes have wider mouths so that parcels can fit in them.
4. How many places across the UK are these new parcel postboxes being installed?
1,400 of the new boxes will be installed at 30 locations (places) across the UK.