Robot recycling 垃圾分揀機器人
有關 “technology 科技” 的詞匯
What percentage of stationary items could the robot identify?
This robot can automatically sort recyclable rubbish. The RoCycle system by M.I.T. has a soft, puncture-resistant hand. Pressure sensors on its fingertips detect an object’s size and material. It then autonomously places the item in the appropriate recycle bin.
這個機器人能自動分類可回收的垃圾。麻省理工學院的 “RoCycle” 系統用一只柔軟的、防穿刺的手來分揀回收垃圾。指尖上的壓力傳感器可以探測到物體的大小和材質。然后它自動將物品放入相應的回收垃圾箱。
Professor Daniela Rus, Director, MIT CSAIL
With computer vision alone, the systems are not able to separate paper from plastic. Many paper and plastic cups look the same, but by introducing the ability to squeeze the objects and to know whether it’s flexible or not – we are able to go one step beyond what today’s methods can do.
丹妮拉·魯斯教授 麻省理工學院計算機科學與人工智能實驗室
The goal of the system is to reduce the back-end cost of recycling. It currently has 85 percent accuracy in identifying stationary items, but only 63 percent accuracy on a simulated conveyer belt.
該系統的目標是降低后端回收成本。目前,它識別靜止物體的準確率為 85%,但在模擬輸送帶上的準確率僅為 63%。
A common error was identifying paper-covered tins as paper. But how are researchers looking to improve the system?
Professor Daniela Rus, Director, MIT CSAIL
We plan to create a much more detailed sensorised skin. We plan to develop the hand at different sizes and we plan to improve our algorithms for recognition. We’re very excited to see the use of robot automation in solving a problem that matters globally.
丹妮拉·魯斯教授 麻省理工學院計算機科學與人工智能實驗室
puncture-resistant 防穿刺的
sensors 感應器
simulated 模擬的,模仿的
algorithms (計算機使用的)算法
automation 自動化
The robot currently has 85 percent accuracy in identifying stationary items.