Turning plastic into sportswear 把塑料垃圾變成運動服
有關 “materials 布料” 的詞匯
Which costs more: recycled polyester or traditional thread?
Nearly 30,000 kilograms of thread are produced at this factory every day. But this thread isn't spun from traditional yarn - it's made from two million plastic bottles. Demand for this type of recycled polyester is growing, as brands become more conscious about waste.
這家工廠每天生產近三萬公斤的紡織用線。但這些線不是用傳統的紗紡成的 —— 是由 200 萬個塑料瓶制成的。對這類回收聚酯纖維的需求正在增長,因為品牌公司對垃圾廢料的意識一直在不斷增強。
Makarand Kulkarni, Chief Marketing Officer, Polygenta
Today we are supplying this product not only for sportswear but for outerwear, for home textiles, for ladies' apparel(s). So all types of applications are possible because the quality of this recycled yarn is comparable with any conventional polyester made.
馬克蘭德·庫爾卡尼 Polygenta 公司 首席營銷官
The cost of recycled polyester is about ten to twenty percent higher than traditional thread. But as factories increase capacity to meet growing demand, the price of recycled material is coming down. That's good news for brands like Adidas. It's already making the switch to recycled thread. The sports company promised to remove all single-use plastic from its supply chain by 2024.
回收聚酯纖維的成本比傳統的線高出 10% 到 20%。但隨著工廠提升產能以滿足日益增長的需求,再生材料的價格正在下降。這對阿迪達斯這樣的品牌來說是個好消息。它們已經開始轉向使用回收紡織線。這家體育公司承諾,到 2024 年,將把所有一次性塑料從其供應鏈中移除。
India has one of the biggest plastic problems in the world, with trash spilling out onto beaches and piling up in cities. Commitments like the one made by Adidas might be a step in the right direction, but experts say more brands and consumers will need to buy into products like these to have a meaningful impact on our problem with plastic.
thread (紡織用的)線
yarn 紗線
polyester 聚酯纖維
textiles 紡織物
apparel 衣服,服裝
The cost of recycled polyester is about ten to twenty percent higher than traditional thread – although the price is coming down.