Mind-reading machine helps man walk again 讀腦機械裝置讓癱瘓者再次行走
有關 “technology(科技)” 的詞匯
How did Thibault practise using the brain implants?
It's a small step for Thibault, but could this be a giant leap in paralysis?
Thibault's arms and legs were paralysed after a fall damaged his spinal cord four years ago.
But when he's strapped into this robotic suit, he can use his thoughts to move again.
He told me learning to walk came quite quickly, but using the exoskeleton to precisely bend and stretch his arms or rotate his wrists took much longer.
So how does the exoskeleton work? Well, first Thibault has implants resting on the surface of his brain. They are reading his thoughts, his brain activity, his brainwaves, and they are being beamed to a computer. Now, the computer has to rapidly digest that information and transform that brain activity into instructions, which are sent to the exoskeleton. From thought to movement, it takes less than a third of a second.`
Thibault first used his brain implants to control a computer game before trying the exoskeleton.
Now the French researchers plan to test the technology on three more patients.
This experimental exoskeleton is not going to become widely available soon. If you look, Thibault is attached to the ceiling to stop him falling over. It means the exoskeleton can't be used outside the laboratory. And this kit is also too expensive for most of the world to benefit. But this is still a breakthrough and shows the potential of technology to transform lives.
robotic 機器人的,機器人似的
exoskeleton 機械外骨骼
implants 植入人體的設備,植入物
beamed (信號)被發射
kit 裝備
Thibault practised using the brain implants by controlling a computer game.