英國醫生們說,十年前皮膚癌被認為是不治之癥,但現在,超過半數的患者都可以活 下來。
There has been a staggering transformation in the treatment of melanoma. Ten years ago the disease was considered untreatable once it had spread round the body. People with advanced melanoma lived for between six and nine months. Now half are alive five years later.
Our immune system constantly patrols our body fighting off hostile invaders such as viruses. It should attack cancers too, but they can learn ways of hiding. The two drugs used in this trial – ipilimumab and nivolumab – both stop some cancers hiding and allow the immune system to attack. This is not one of those health stories where we say patients might benefit in a decade’s time – this is saving lives today.
Immunotherapy is Nobel prize-winning science that is now a key pillar of cancer treatment alongside chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. It does not cure every patient but it is making the untreatable treatable.
staggering 驚人的
untreatable 無法醫治的
advanced (疾病)晚期的
immune system 免疫系統
patrols 巡查,巡邏
hostile invaders 不友好的入侵者
viruses 病毒
benefit 獲益
immunotherapy 免疫療法
pillar 支柱、基石
chemotherapy 化學療法
radiotherapy 放射治療
surgery 手術
閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. What were the chances of survival for people with melanoma ten years ago?
2. Why is our immune system sometimes unable to fight off ‘hostile invaders’?
3. True or false? This new immunotherapy treatment means that everyone with melanoma can now be cured.
4. How long will it take before patients benefit from this new treatment?
1. What were the chances of survival for people with melanoma ten years ago?
The chances of survival were not very good. Ten years ago the disease was considered untreatable once it had spread round the body. People with advanced melanoma lived for between six and nine months.
2. Why is our immune system sometimes unable to fight off ‘hostile invaders’?
Our immune system should attack cancers but they can learn ways of hiding.
3. True or false? This new immunotherapy treatment means that everyone with melanoma can now be cured.
False. It does not cure every patient but it is making the untreatable treatable.
4. How long will it take before patients benefit from this new treatment?
Not long at all. The reporter says “this is saving lives today”.