在英語口語會話和書面寫作中,使用正確的連接詞 “linkers” 可以使句與句之間的邏輯關系清晰明了。連接詞的種類多樣,有一些用來表示對照,有一些則表示因果關系或用來引出附加信息。常見的表對照的連接詞有 “nevertheless” 盡管如此,仍然、“conversely” 相反地、“however” 然而;表因果關系的連接詞有 “consequently” 因此、“therefore” 所以、因而等;用來引出附加信息的連接詞有 “subsequently” 之后,隨后、“additionally” 另外、“besides” 此外、“moreover” 再者等。做八道題,測一測你對英語連接詞的掌握程度。
1. South Africa has vast amounts of natural countryside. _______, it is the home of a large number of wild animals.
a) Consequently
b) However
c) Subsequently
d) Besides
2. The police arrested the suspects. _______, the judge found them guilty.
a) Still
b) Conversely
c) Subsequently
d) Additionally
3. The new leisure centre is a lot cheaper than the old one. _______, the facilities are not as good.
a) Nevertheless
b) Additionally
c) Furthermore
d) Therefore
4. The weather was absolutely terrible. _______, they still went camping.
a) Therefore
b) However
c) Subsequently
d) Additionally
5. The price of housing has increased dramatically. _______, so has the price of gas and electricity.
a) Conversely
b) Conclusively
c) Furthermore
d) Nevertheless
6. When they are powerful, tornadoes often destroy buildings and houses. _______ they injure and kill people.
a) Still
b) However
c) Conversely
d) Moreover
7. _______ Artificial Intelligence, this is one of the major new breakthroughs in computer science.
a) Therefore
b) Additionally
c) Besides
d) However
8. I have a degree in modern languages. _______, I am fluent in French, German and Spanish.
a) However
b) Nevertheless
c) Besides
d) Therefore
1) a, 2) c, 3) d, 4) b, 5) c, 6) d, 7) c, 8) d.