雖然搭配 “used to、be used to” 和 “get used to” 都包含 “used to”,但它們的意思和用法卻完全不同。“Used to” 用來談論過去而非現在的動作、習慣或發生過的事情;“be used to (doing) something” 表示 “已經習慣做某事”,也就是說這件事情對你來說是稀松平常的;“get used to (doing) something” 則表示 “變得逐漸習慣做某事”,強調雖然你還沒有適應一件事情,但正在努力去適應。參考講解,做八道測驗題,看看你是否掌握了這三個易混搭配之間的區別。
1. If I want to win the race, I’ll have to _______ training every day.
a) used to
b) get used to
c) used to be
d) be used to
2. My girlfriend is British, so she isn’t _______ speaking French all day, every day.
a) used to
b) getting used to
c) being used to
d) be used to
3. I _______ go skateboarding with friends, but now I prefer watching it on TV.
a) didn’t used to
b) be used to
c) get used to
d) used to
4. I can’t see myself _______ starting work every day at 6am. It’s far too early!
a) being used to
b) be used to
c) getting used to
d) used to
5. Selim has been a doctor for twenty years, so he’s _______ working late at night.
a) used to
b) use to
c) getting used to
d) not used to
6. I didn’t recognise my auntie when I saw her. She didn’t _______ have long curly hair.
a) used to
b) use to
c) be used to
d) get used to
7. Gabrielle _______ studying early in the morning, so she could work in a café in the afternoon.
a) used to be
b) used to
c) was used to
d) got used to
8. He _______ quite rude when he was a boy, but he’s turned into a polite young man.
a) didn’t used to be
b) got used to being
c) used to be
d) use to be
1) b, 2) a, 3) d, 4) c, 5) a, 6) b, 7) d, 8) c.