很多人在初學英語時就接觸到了動詞 “make” 和 “do”。雖然它們都可以表示 “做……” 的意思,但如果不了解其具體用法或不掌握與其搭配使用的固定短語,則很容易混淆、用錯這兩個詞。在通常情況下,動詞 “make” 用來描述 “制作,制造” 事物;它也可以表示人 “做出……舉動”。比如:make a phone call 打電話。動詞 “do” 多指 “做” 一件事情,“完成、履行” 責任或 “做” 重復性的工作。比如:do your homework 做你的家庭作業。以下八道題考查你對 “make” 和 “do” 的掌握。
1. She is going to _______ an attempt to compete in the next Olympics.
a) making
b) do
c) make
d) doing
2. I think he’s _______ the right decision to not spend all his savings on that motorbike.
a) done
b) made
c) doing
d) make
3. Thank you very much, Ms. Liu. It was a pleasure _______ business with you.
a) done
b) made
c) making
d) doing
4. Wait! Wait! I haven’t _______ my hair yet!
a) do
b) make
c) done
d) made
5. For the company to _______ progress, we need to innovate.
a) doing
b) do
c) made
d) make
6. Can you _______ me a favour, and take the rubbish out?
a) make
b) do
c) doing
d) made
7. The community have been fantastic in _______ contributions to the disaster fund.
a) making
b) doing
c) do
d) made
8. Dr. Mwamba has been _______ excellent research on brain function for the past five years.
a) made
b) making
c) done
d) doing
1) c, 2) b, 3) d, 4) c, 5) d, 6) b, 7) a, 8) d.