習語表達是英語語言的重要組成部分。單獨來看,像 “look(看)”、“sound(聽)”、 “feel(感覺)” 這類詞語的本義很容易理解,但當它們與不同的單詞組合在一起形成習語或成語時,意思就會變得非常不同。
包含 “look”、“sound”、“feel” 這三個詞語的習語表達有很多。你知道幾個?來試試下面這個測驗!
1. I love _______ movies. They make me feel so relaxed about life after watching them.
a) feel-nice
b) feel-well
c) feel-happy
d) feel-good
2. When I walked in the room, she stared at me for a while, then gave me a really _______
a) mean look.
b) rain look.
c) cloudy look.
d) muddy look.
3. He was always _______ about the lack of funding for the school drama project. Eventually they gave him the money.
a) sounding out
b) sounding up
c) sounding on
d) sounding off
4. Some people are confused by _______ because they think they really are the famous person they resemble.
a) lookouts
b) lookalikes
c) lookers
d) onlookers
5. I’m not sure whether I’m going to take that job offer. I have _______ about my future there.
a) fixed feelings
b) assorted feelings
c) combined feelings
d) mixed feelings
6. I don’t believe much this new CEO says. She uses repetitive _______ to gain people’s confidence.
a) soundbites
b) soundclips
c) soundgrabs
d) soundtracks
7. I love listening to film _______ because they remind me of my favourite parts of films.
a) soundgrabs
b) soundtracks
c) soundplays
d) soundstudios
8. I really _______ my mother. She helps anyone whenever she can.
a) look into
b) look out for
c) look up to
d) look up
1) d, 2) a, 3) d, 4) b, 5) d, 6) a, 7) b, 8) c.