專家們稱,隨著人們逐漸向數字支付過渡,新冠肺炎疫情將加速推進現金使用的衰落。英國的封鎖政策已導致使用自動取款機取款的次數下降了 60% ,盡管人們提款的總額有所增加。
The dramatic drop in cash withdrawals is the obvious result of more people having to do their shopping online. When they do venture out, many are suspicious of handling cash, which others might have touched.
Traders who used to turn up their noses at plastic are bringing out their card readers. The figures come from the cash machine network LINK, which adds that in a survey of 2,000 shoppers, more than three quarters said the virus would affect their future use of cash. Once people change to buying over the internet or paying by card, they tend to carry on.
曾經對信用卡嗤之以鼻的商戶們現在紛紛開始使用讀卡器。這些數據來自自動取款機運營商 LINK,他們補充道,對2000名購物者的一項調查中,超過四分之三的購物者表示新冠病毒會影響他們未來對現金的使用。一旦人們轉向通過網絡購物或改用刷卡支付,這些人往往會繼續下去。
The problem is the faster the switch away from cash happens, the bigger the danger that shops stop taking it and more cash machines are closed. That could make life more difficult for the millions who still rely on notes and coins to run their lives.
drop 減少的數量
withdrawals 取錢,提款
venture out 冒險外出
handling 觸摸,拿
turn up their noses 嗤之以鼻
plastic 信用卡
card readers 讀卡器
cash machine 自動取款機
notes 紙鈔,紙幣
coins 硬幣
閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. True or false? Traders who didn’t like card payment are now adapting to the changes.
2. According to the article, what caused the dramatic drop in cash withdrawals?
3. How many shoppers in the survey said the virus would affect their future use of cash?
4. According to the article, whose lives will be made more difficult if more cash machines are closed?
1. True or false? Traders who didn’t like card payment are now adapting to the changes.
True. (‘Traders who used to turn up their noses at plastic are bringing out their card readers.’)
2. According to the article, what caused the dramatic drop in cash withdrawals?
The article says that more people having to do their shopping online led to the dramatic drop in cash withdrawals.
3. How many shoppers in the survey said the virus would affect their future use of cash?
More than 1,500, which is three quarters of the 2,000 shoppers surveyed, said the virus would affect their future use of cash.
4. According to the article, whose lives will be made more difficult if more cash machines are closed?
Those who still rely on notes and coins to run their lives.