相信學習英語的朋友們都知道,“stop” 作動詞時的意思是 “停止”,它的后面既可以跟動詞的 -ing 形式,也可以跟不定式 “to do”。“Stop doing” 和 “stop to do” 的區別是什么?看視頻!
Hi, I'm Sian from BBC Learning English. What's the difference between stop to do and stop doing something?
Well, stop what you're doing right now because that's what I'm going to tell you!
When we use stop plus ING, the activity in the ING form stops. So, I have stopped drinking coffee. I'm not drinking coffee any more, I'm only drinking water.
But when stop is followed by the infinitive, it means we stop doing another action to do the action in the infinitive. So, I stopped to buy a tea this morning. I stopped walking in order to buy a tea.
Right, I'm going to stop talking now.
Stop can be followed by an ING verb or a full infinitive verb. This is called a verb pattern. Which form is chosen depends on the speakers meaning.
動詞 “stop” 后可跟動詞-ing 形式,即 “doing”,或不定式 “to do”。這被稱作動詞模式(verb pattern)。具體應使用哪個動詞模式要根據說話者的意思而定。
1. Stop + ING verb
Stop doing = 停止做某事
When stop is followed by an ING verb, it is the activity in the ING verb which is stopped.
當動詞 “stop” 后跟動詞-ing 時,動詞-ing 描述的是要被停止的動作。
John has finally stopped smoking. You won't see him doing it any more.
After about an hour, they stopped playing football and rested.
She's stopped making that mistake now and her language is much better.
2. Stop + full infinitive verb
Stop to do = 停下來去做某事
When stop is followed by a full infinitive verb, it is another action which stops. The action in the full infinitive is the reason why.
當動詞 “stop” 后跟不定式 “to do” 時,這表示要停下正在做的動作,去做另一個動作。“Stop to” 后接的動詞是要去做的動作。
I was watching TV but I stopped to do some homework.
After about an hour of playing football, they stopped to rest.
I had to stop to change a tyre. One of mine had been punctured.