根據動物保護組織世界自然基金會(WWF)發表的一份重要報告,全球野生動物數量在不到50年的時間里減少了三分之二以上。報告稱,這種 “災難性的下降趨勢” 沒有減緩的跡象,并警告說,大自然正以前所未有的速度遭到人類的破壞。
The report looked at thousands of different wildlife species living in forests, grasslands, rivers, and oceans, across the world. Conservation scientists recorded an average 68% fall in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish since 1970.
They described the decline as catastrophic and clear evidence of the impact humans are having on the planet through burning forests, overfishing the seas and destroying wild spaces.
But Dr Mike Barrett of WWF-UK says new modelling evidence suggests the tide can be turned if action is taken urgently.
The report says efforts to protect wildlife must be combined with tackling habitat loss and deforestation. This will mean changes to the way food is produced and consumed, including reducing food waste and moving to healthier diets.
grasslands 草原,草場
conservation 動植物保護
mammals 哺乳動物
amphibians 兩棲動物
reptiles 爬行動物
catastrophic 災難性的
overfishing 過度捕撈
tackling 解決,應對
habitat loss 棲息地的消失
deforestation 大面積濫伐森林
food waste 食物浪費
1. True or false? The fall in wildlife populations can be seen as an impact of human activities.
2. How much decline in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish have conservation scientists recorded since 1970?
3. According to Dr Mike Barrett, how can we turn the tide?
4. What should we consider when protecting wildlife, according to the report?
1. True or false? The fall in wildlife populations can be seen as an impact of human activities.
True. Scientists described the fall as clear evidence of the impact humans are having on the planet through burning forests, overfishing the seas and destroying wild spaces.
2. How much decline in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish have conservation scientists recorded since 1970?
Conservation scientists recorded an average 68% fall in these animals since 1970.
3. According to Dr Mike Barrett, how can we turn the tide?
Dr Mike Barrett says new modelling evidence suggests the tide can be turned if action is taken urgently.
4. What should we consider when protecting wildlife, according to the report?
The report says the efforts to protect wildlife must be combined with tackling habitat loss and deforestation.