“Say” 和 “tell” 都有 “說” 的意思。雖然它們都可以用來引導說話的內容,但用法卻不同。“Say” 的后面可以直接加說話的具體內容或經過轉述的內容;“tell” 的后面可以直接加人稱代詞的賓格,再接說話的內容。看視頻,學習如何正確使用這對近義詞。
Hi, I'm Sian, and I have something to say about the verbs say and tell.
With tell, we usually say who is spoken to. So, we use tell with a direct personal object, like 'you', 'him', 'her'.
"I love English grammar!" Phil told me that he loves English grammar. So, remember to include who is spoken to.
So, don't say 'Phil told I love English grammar.' Say 'Phil told me...' or 'Phil told us that he loves English grammar.'
With the verb say, we don't normally include who is spoken to. We say something.
And you could also use the direct words someone says."I love teaching English." Phil said "I love teaching English".
So, remember, in general, we tell someone something, but we say something.
1. 動詞 “say” 的意思是 “說,講”,過去式是 “said”。“Say” 的后面通常不加人稱代詞,直接加某人的說話內容或經轉述的內容,即直接引語或間接引語。注意,如果 “say” 后面跟直接引語,需要使用引號標注引語部分。
say + (that) 講話內容
Phil said "I love teaching English".
Phil said he loves teaching English.
2. 動詞 “tell” 的意思是 “告訴,說”,過去式是 “told”。“Tell” 的后面加告知對象的人稱代詞賓格,如 “me”、“us”、“him” 或 “her”。這些人稱代詞在句子中作 “tell” 的間接賓語。
tell + 人稱代詞賓格 + (that) 講話內容
Phil told me that he loves English grammar.
Tell her the truth.