Stephen Hawking’s office 霍金辦公室遺物將被公開展出
有關 “character(性格)” 的詞匯
Where will Stephen Hawking’s office be moved to?
He was the world’s most inspiring scientist. His research, photographs and letters are his legacy to the world – and they are to be saved for the nation. His son Tim sees many of them for the first time – including a letter that his father wrote to his dad when he was just six.
Tim Hawking, Son
“Dear Father – once upon a time some pirates were loading some treasure.” I think it shows a sort of tenderness in his relationship with his father. You know, he had a very, sort of, loving relationship with his dad – as I did when I was the age he was when he wrote the letter.
蒂姆·霍金 斯蒂芬·霍金之子
“‘親愛的父親,從前,有群海盜在裝載一批寶藏。’ 我認為信中流露出了父子間的一種溫情。那時,他和他的父親關系很親近,正如我在相仿的年紀時和他非常親近一樣。”
Here he is as a student. Motor neurone disease went on to debilitate his body – but not his mind. This is his most important scientific paper on black holes – which have such strong gravity – that not even light can escape. His script from the Simpsons is an important part of the collection.
Dr Jessica Gardner, University Librarian, University of Cambridge
He had an enormous sense of humour. You know, that comes out through interviews that people will have seen through that characterisation, willing to be in the Simpsons, to let a little bit of fun be taken – if what that did was help to communicate about science.
杰西卡·加德納博士 劍橋大學圖書管理員
Pallab Ghosh, BBC Correspondant
The contents of Stephen Hawking’s office will be transferred to the Science Museum in London. Most iconic of all is his wheelchair – a symbol of the physical challenges he faced, and also the strength and determination he had to overcome them.
帕拉布·戈什 BBC通訊員
The eventual aim is to reconstruct his entire office.
Sir Ian Blatchford, Director, Science Museum
There are very few scientific spaces that survive. So actually having Stephen’s office is wonderful because he is extraordinary – but it sends a big, powerful message about the prestige of science as well.
伊恩·布拉奇福德爵士 倫敦科學博物館館長
Future generations will now be able to learn about the life and work of a man who inspired us with his brilliance, courage and humanity.
Ron and Jean were married for 56 years, but at the start of the pandemic Jean died of cancer.
tenderness 溫情,柔情
debilitate 使虛弱,削弱
willing 愿意,樂意
determination 決心
prestige 聲望,威望
His office will be moved to the Science Museum in London.