Meet the robot artist 來認識機器人藝術家
有關 “art(藝術)” 的詞匯
What does Ai-Da say she enjoys doing?
Meet Ai-Da, the robot artist.
來認識一下機器人藝術家 “艾達”。
It’s a slow and steady process but effective. These are a few of her recent self-portraits. And what’s more, she’s happy to have a chat!
How are you today?
Ai-Da, robot
I am well, thank you.
機器人 “艾達”
How would you rate yourself as an artist?
I love to be creative. I enjoy being someone who makes people think.
She answers questions, each painting is different and a surprise. You could almost say she has a personality.
Priya Khanchandani, Curator, Design Museum (London)
Fundamentally, it’s… that’s a funny question. I think the prospect of getting to know her is hilarious. But at the same time, I mean, peering over at her now. And I do think… I think her makers probably consider that they have some form of relationship whether that is reciprocated or not.
普里雅·坎錢達尼 英國倫敦設計博物館策展人
David Sillito, BBC correspondent
Ai-Da, could you look across there to the camera? We are all used to these days, talking to machines and our phones, but creativity is [a] rather different question and this is meant to be a little bit unsettling – a little unnerving.
大衛·西利托 BBC通訊員
Aidan Mellor, Ai-Da Project
The thing that concerns us about technology is the fact that we don’t know the domino effect of it. Ai-Da foreshadows many technologies coming through and she poses those questions by her artwork, to say – this is what’s coming through – are we happy with that?
艾丹·梅勒 “艾達” 項目
So, Ai-Da the artist. It’s painting today, who knows what, tomorrow?
self-portraits 自畫像
creative 富有創造力的
painting 畫作
artwork 藝術作品
Ai-Da says she enjoys being someone who makes people think.