有些人性格內向,而有些人則性格外向。相比之下,開朗大方的人似乎更容易被人接受,又常是社交活動中備受矚目的對象。但外向真的比內向好嗎?還是說各有利弊?哪類人更善于傾聽?本期 “隨身英語” 節目討論性格內向的好處。
詞匯:personality 個性
From a young age, many of us learn the benefits of being an extrovert – those gregarious individuals who always seem to be the life and soul of the party, often outspoken and able to express their opinions easily. However, not all of us are wired that way – so is being an extrovert really better?
While thinking of extroverts, we imagine a character who is assertive, approachable, cheerful and charming. We are taught to admire these traits early on. Kids are often encouraged to interact, play and communicate with other children. It seems at times as though children are made to embrace a more outgoing lifestyle, with some people becoming pseudo-extroverts – introverts who mimic extrovert behaviour. While externally they may seem to enjoy the company of others, or being in the limelight, they can still become over-extended in intense social situations.
So, while the positive aspects of being an extrovert are plain to see, what are the benefits of introversion? While extroverts thrive on social interaction, introverts are more comfortable with levels of isolation. According to Dr Berit Brogaard, a professor of philosophy, extreme solitude, such as times like the recent lockdown, does not affect introverts as much as extroverts. Lack of social contact, something extroverts thrive on, can lead to depression, loneliness, and even premature death.
But it’s not just in an extreme situation that the pros of being an introvert shine through. These people seem to have more time for contemplation and introspection and thus can become more balanced. They also tend to be good listeners and think before they speak, meaning they could become great friends. Finally, introverts are often fantastic observers, as sitting out of the focus can give you more time to watch the behaviour of others.
So, whatever your personality, either introvert or extrovert, there are clear advantages to being either, and if you meet an introvert, you might just end up with an amazing friend.
gregarious 愛交際的
life and soul of the party 社交場合的靈魂人物
outspoken 坦率的,直率的
assertive 堅定自信的
approachable 平易近人的
cheerful 樂觀開朗的
charming 迷人的
trait (性格)特點
encourage 鼓勵
interact 互動,相互交流
communicate 溝通
outgoing 開朗外向的
mimic 模仿
over-extended 吃不消,壓力過大
solitude 孤獨
contemplation 沉思
introspection 反思
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. In what ways are children encouraged to be more extroverted?
2. What are pseudo-extroverts?
3. What are the potential risks of being alone for an extrovert?
4. Why can introverts become more balanced?
5. Why can introverts be good friends?
2. 選擇意思恰當的單詞或詞組來完成下列句子。
1. He’s so warm and friendly – and he’s _______ all the time.
cheerful introspection solitude mimic
2. Sharon’s so easy to talk with – she’s really _______.
contemplation approachable life and soul encourage
3. Our boss always _______ us to take a holiday when we need one.
outgoing introspection encourages mimic
4. The child is _______ his father’s speech patterns.
interact cheerful approachable mimicking
5. I learnt Spanish so I could _______ better with my husband’s family.
mimic over-extend communicate cheerful
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. In what ways are children encouraged to be more extroverted?
Kids are often encouraged to interact, play and communicate with other children.
2. What are pseudo-extroverts?
Pseudo-extroverts are introverts who mimic extroverts’ behaviour.
3. What are the potential risks of being alone for an extrovert?
Lack of social contact, something extroverts thrive on, can lead to depression, loneliness, and even premature death.
4. Why can introverts become more balanced?
Introverts seem to have more time for contemplation and introspection and thus can become more balanced.
5. Why can introverts be good friends?
Introverts tend to be good listeners and think before they speak, meaning they could become great friends.
2. 選擇意思恰當的單詞或詞組來完成下列句子。
1. He’s so warm and friendly – and he’s cheerful all the time.
2. Sharon’s so easy to talk with – she’s really approachable.
3. Our boss always encourages us to take a holiday when we need one.
4. The child is mimicking his father’s speech patterns.
5. I learnt Spanish so I could communicate better with my husband’s family.