昆蟲數量近幾十年來 “令人擔憂地” 下降,科學家表示,光污染可能是其中一個因素。英國一項研究發現,人造路燈會擾亂夜蛾的行為,使毛蟲數量減少一半。
There’s growing alarm over plunging insect populations with climate change, habitat destruction and pesticides all thought to play a role. But now, scientists say there’s another culprit: artificial streetlights.
Researchers from the charity Butterfly Conservation counted caterpillars at the sides of brightly lit roads. Compared with similar stretches of unlit roads, caterpillar numbers were reduced by half, suggesting streetlights can affect the abundance of insects – at least on a local scale.
慈善機構蝴蝶保護委員會(Butterfly Conservation)的研究人員在燈光明亮的道路兩旁清點了毛蟲的數量。與沒有照明的類似路段相比,毛蟲數量少了一半,這表明路燈可以影響昆蟲數量是否充足,至少在當地范圍內是如此。
The scientists say with insects in trouble, we should be doing all we can to reduce negative influences. But there are practical solutions such as dimming streetlights in the early hours, installing motion sensors, or using colour filters to modify the light.
plunging 銳減
culprit 起因,罪魁禍首
artificial 人造的
streetlights 路燈,街燈
caterpillars 毛蟲,蝶或蛾類昆蟲的幼蟲
stretches 路段
abundance 大量,充足
dimming 調暗
installing 安裝
motion sensors 運動傳感器
filters 過濾器,此處指濾光片
1. Other than streetlights, what things are thought to affect insect populations?
2. What did researchers count to understand how insects were affected?
3. What were the results of the research into insect population near streetlights?
4. What practical solutions are mentioned to help with the problem of artificial streetlights?
1. Other than streetlights, what things are thought to affect insect populations?
Climate change, habitat destruction and pesticides are all thought to affect insect populations.
2. What did researchers count to understand how insects were affected?
The researchers counted caterpillars.
3. What were the results of the research into insect population near streetlights?
Caterpillar numbers were reduced by half in areas of lit roads.
4. What practical solutions are mentioned to help with the problem of artificial streetlights?
Dimming streetlights in the early hours, installing motion sensors, or using colour filters to modify the light could all help.