“Let” 是一個我們在學英語初期就會遇到的常見動詞,它在不同的語境下可以表達不同的意思。比如:“let” 可以用來提議做一件事情,也可以表示 “允許” 別人做某事,還可以表示 “出租”。 看 “一分鐘英語” 視頻,讓主持人 James 告訴你動詞 “let” 的五個常見用法。
Hi, everyone. Welcome back to English in A Minute – today we’re going to look at five different uses of the verb let. So, let’s get started!
Let’s is a way to introduce an idea or make a suggestion.
Let’s go for a coffee.
Phil let me borrow his pen.
In this example, let means to give permission.
I have a room to let in my house.
In this example, the verb let means ‘to hire or rent’. So, what I’m saying is that there’s a room in my house that is available to rent.
The man let the thief run right past him.
In this example, let means to not stop or prevent something from happening. We are saying that the man didn’t prevent the thief from running away.
Let me take your jacket.
This is a polite way to offer to help.
Let’s finish today’s episode here!
Thanks for joining us everyone, bye!
1. 用 “let’s…” 來提出想法或建議。
Let’s go for a coffee.
Let’s finish today’s episode here!
2. 用 “let” 表示 “準許” 某人做某事。
Phil let me borrow his pen.
They let him leave early to go to the doctor.
3. “Let” 還可以表示 “租賃;出租”。
I have a room to let in my house.
She has some office space to let in the centre of the city.
4. 用 “let” 表示 “沒能阻止或任由某事發生”。
The man let the thief run right past him.
How could you let this happen?
5. 用 “let” 禮貌地提供幫助。
Let me take your jacket.
Let me explain this to you.